Preparing the future

Preparing the future, the best way of making it happen

Telespazio France builds the satellite services and applications that will shape tomorrow's world, to maintain its role as a trusted operator on current markets and in emerging fields such as micro-launchers, in-orbit services and space surveillance.

We prepare the future through a specific division that helps new ideas emerge and come to fruition. Based on exchange, cooperation and creativity, the Preparing the Future Division provides a way of accelerating innovative solutions and value creation, with the goal of gaining a foothold in new markets. 

Our open innovation approach, combined with the very close ties we build with our customers, gives us solid understanding of our end users, so we develop competitive services that perfectly match the needs expressed. We have established ourselves as a meta-operator, to make it easier for our customers to access space capabilities via digital platforms using cutting-edge technology such as artificial intelligence, to process the metadata collected by satellites. 

We believe in making space available to everyone in a responsible way. That's why sustainable space operations and applications geared to improving the lives of humans on Earth are at the heart of the new concepts we develop and, more broadly, all our innovation initiatives.


Innovating in a rapidly changing industry

The space industry is undergoing rapid changes: the development of spaceborne technologies and the acceleration of access to space for all are multiplying uses of the space environment and producing new data. As a result, new space objects to be operated, new uses of the data generated in orbit and new transmission techniques are emerging. 

Telespazio France is focusing on high-growth areas with the three-year goal of becoming an essential player in the field of resilient communications, flexible access to space, knowledge of the space environment, in-orbit services and secure navigation.

"Open Innovation" and "New Space"

We give space to talents and innovative ideas through long-standing cooperation with research laboratories, startups and industrial partners, through "open innovation" initiatives.

We also set up structuring partnerships with academic stakeholders, and co-finance theses in the field of navigation, for example. As part of the "France 2030" programme, Telespazio France works alongside startups and research institutes to suggest and produce innovative concepts for in-orbit services or access to space.